Pictures and ULB Qustion

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Pictures and ULB Qustion

Post by conflans » Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:23 pm


You mention having sold 4 heavy guns in the past. If they are the ones in that great battery, do you still have pictures and could you post one?

Do you anticipate any problems with kicking battalion size up to 24 figures under the rules?


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Post by barr7430 » Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:52 pm


I personally do not have a picture of the guns battery but you can see it in Wargames Illustrated Issue 98 in which three excellent photos by DMac appear on page 10. Unfortunately I do not have the back issues of WI on disc and so cannot show them here. If anyone has that disc and wants to down load the picture or page and send it to me I will upload it. I cannot see Duncan objecting(I'll run it by him anyway) the shots are of my work and he and I have a very good relationship as I contribute regularly to the mag and have never to my knowledge pissed him off!

Re the 24 figure battalions, I'd need to know a little more about how you intend to compose them before I could make a relevant comment.
Let me know


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Post by conflans » Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:58 pm


I just planned to use four bases instead of three. I thought about making French and Spanish bases a little deeper (60mm) to position figures so as to imply three lines rather than two. I want a diffenerent visual impression of my Spanish and French.


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Post by barr7430 » Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:47 am


4 bases in parallel?

I know what you mean about a different look. A suggestion is not to fill your back line but to have sergeants, officers and stragglers positioned at intervals. A sort of reverse version of this can be seen if you look at my Swedish Lifeguards of Foot in the GNW gallery. I put the officers outfront on 60 x 60mm bases.

I don't think it will impact negatively on the rules. You can make adjustments.


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Post by conflans » Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:52 pm

Thanks, Barry. Your GNW figures are outstanding. Are the pike for the Riazanski regiment Foundry Marlburian artillerymen? I don't see any similar pike figures currently listed. I ask because I'm looking for pikmen for my Marlburian Spanish.

Thanks and best regards,

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size of units

Post by wbamick » Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:15 pm

Hi Barry and Bob (Houston Tx ?, if so we haven't talked in ages !)

We actually started all of our units out as 24 and had no problems (truth be told we even had some at 30 for a while!). We have since started building at 18 with older existing units remaining at 24. We too base our figures deeper than the rules recommend and haven't had any problems we couldn't overcome. We also mount some of figures in our units in three ranks to represent volley fire vs. platoon fire, though that various according to whim or whom ever has painted the unit. Units that are only in two ranks normally have drummers and an occasional NCO mounted behind the two ranks. We just do what we think looks good at the time we finish a unit.

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Post by barr7430 » Fri Jun 17, 2005 3:34 am

Hi Bob and Bill,

great to hear that various basing is working perfectly with ULB that was just as I intended... minimum/no hassle for fellow gamers and maximum playability!

Yes, the Russian Pikeman are actually open handed Marlburian artillery! Well spotted!!

Hope to see some of you at Historicon.


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Post by 18th Century Guy » Fri Jun 17, 2005 11:56 am

One other thing Bill forgot to mention is that we not only mount some of our units 3 rows (ranks) deep but we also mount them all on a single base. It's easier to game with, transport, etc. If you'd like to see what they look like then go to following link. ... k=&ver=3.0

Ignore the units that look like SYW French because they are! We have to use them until we've got enough WSS units around. We'll be gaming this Saturday and I'll take more pictures to show the difference between the 2 versus 3 figure deep units. The frontages are the same, meaning we mount everyone on the same sized base regardless since that will match what the rules call for.

In case you haven't guessed Bill and I game together.
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Post by conflans » Sat Jun 18, 2005 2:45 am

Thanks for all the information and the link. Bill, its good to hear from you again. Unfortunately, Historicon was taken off my plate by a conflicting work obligation. Hopefully, next year.

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Post by barr7430 » Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:31 am

Nice game you Kennesaw Mountain Men!

18th Century Guy, which of the gang are you??

PS Nice to spot some regiments I know in there!!! 8)

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Post by 18th Century Guy » Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:02 am

Ok, as promised. Here are some pictures, 4 to be exact, of how we mount our 'Volley' fire system units versus 'Platoon' fire system units. All units are mounted on a single base and the base is the same size regardless. So if it's an 18 figure units then we will plan on a 9 figure frontage which would match the 3 bases of 6 in ULB. A 24 figure unit would be 12 in frontage. For the cavalry we're (me so far) experimenting with the idea of mounting the squadron on a single base. We've made adjustments to the rules because we do not expand the melee. Bill Amick would be better at explaining all of this. My job is to supply the pictures.

Here's the link, then go to "Gaming Gallery" ... d=6336&ck=


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additional Kennesaw Wargamers info

Post by wbamick » Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:36 pm


I thought I would post some random notes on what we have been doing with ULB. Greg posted some photos at our site and they may need some explanation. Years ago we were taking our collections (first SYW then WSS/Grand Alliance) on the road to various shows. We found out that the figures suffered less damage if we could keep them on the table longer. I decided that being as we were using roster systems to track unit effectiveness that one large stand would work for us. Playing linear systems made that easier to justify as columns were not an issue in most cases. We have carried that over to ULB. We also try to have the quickest games possible so we are sometimes a little foot loose with the rules. One thing we don't do is allow for melees to be reinforced as single stand units makes this difficult and at conventions this removes one bone of contention or confusion (mostly confusion in my case!). We are experimenting with mounting our cavalry in two deep squadrons, this is a hold over from our large unit days where a squadron was 12 figures and always operated in two ranks. We have been allowing all 6 figures to melee even though they are in two ranks. I am not yet sold on the idea as it does raise other issues in regards to squadrons being able to: wheel like a column, gang up on infantry units easier, and they look like columns even though we consider them a line. Though I have to say that at our game last Saturday the cavalry battles were "wild and wooly" and great fun.

We have tried to maintain the general feel and intent of ULB at all times while trying to speed it up even further for our specific nees and desires. Our group games at my house once a month and we only have about 6 hours to complete a game. We have yet to have a poor game of ULB and the rules have become more enjoyable as we play them each month.

I sure we will post more info regarding the games and questions we may have but this post is already waaaay to long.

Best regards,

Bill Amick
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Good to hear feedback!

Post by barr7430 » Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:41 pm


I am so glad that your group are finding ULB useable and are also developing 'House amendments' which in general terms I'm all for!!!

Questions, queries and points of view always welcome and what tickled me most was the fact that your gang wanted to make ULB even faster..

I laughed :lol: and thought.... `only in America!.. a fast play set of rules that is not fast ENOUGH :shock: ... INSTANT GRATIFICATION IS GOOD IF YOU CAN GET IT!!'

Carry on Kennesaw Mountain Men.. I look forward to your further thoughts and tales from the tabletop!

Best an Roll high !

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In person

Post by Anonymous » Wed Jun 22, 2005 6:12 pm

You will no doubt be able to tell them in person at Historicon. I have already arranged to meet in th Bar Thursday around 8.30pm Cheers Lindsay
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fast play for the fast play rules

Post by wbamick » Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:05 pm

Barry, I thought you would get a laugh from the fact that some impatient american types would be trying to make the rules play even faster. The fact that not all of the guys who game with us can make it every month means they forget most of what they learned the last time! We always try to keep the intent of LOA in mind when we game and are trying not change the feel of the rules with what changes we do make.

Are you able to make Historicon next month? If so I look forward to meeting you in person when Lindsay and the rest of us LOA types meet.
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