Another Hi

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Another Hi

Post by CarolusRex » Wed May 09, 2018 11:13 am

Like General Hugh who recently introduced himself I’ve been visiting these forums as a guest for a number of years and loving everything there is to see!

I have corresponded briefly with Barry on a few occasions and have always made it clear what a fan I am of the way the he, Clarence and the LoA goes about things. The love that goes into all the stuff, and the focus on fun and feeling of the period! I’ve bought every ruleset apart from BLB 1 and a lot of other stuff besides and can claim to have introduced one person to the wonder that is the LoA! I consider myself to have been particularly educated in the business of the LoA/WSS period.

I am grateful for the enlightenment I received – a little bit on my personal connection with the period has been relegated to a PS because of a tendency to go on a bit when at the keyboard.

As far as the LoA core areas go my particular interest lies in the whole of the 17th century though I have a toe in the early 18th and a whole foot in WW2. At the moment, children’s interests dictate that I spend a large part of my game-available time with frpg and star wars. But I am enjoying these enormously.

Recently I decided to get my cupboard sorted out (see the picture). Sadly, in order to get more hairy-chested Vikings, resolute Anglo-Danes, daring Normans and proper LoA period stuff (by guess who?) and so on, a clear out was necessary. The new stuff has begun to arrive before the old departed so I have even more boxes lying around.

Perhaps I am a bit simple, but one of things I want to do is get the stuff to people who might want to use it. I need to recoup some of the money I doled out for it all under the watchful gaze of my loving wife, of course. But that is only part of it!

As soon as I can do it, I would like to offer the stuff on the LoA forum first. There is a large-ish variety of painted and unpainted stuff and I would prefer the dealings to be gentlemanly/gentlewomanly and leave all parties satisfied. I will put up a list and add details as time permits and anyone interested can just contact me. Hope I am doing this the right way!

thanks for reading this and i apologise for its length.



PS I have put the (overlong, again) bit on the personal connection with the LoA period here. We all have interesting connections in one way or another and i always like to hear them. Hope you enjoy this one.

My venerable great aunt Gwen, a longtime diplomat abroad and Oban resident, did a lot of work on the Jameson family tree (my grandmother’s maiden name). I’m pretty sure at this point that this surname, my forum username and the LoA's special period of interest will probably have already made the direction of this comment guessable.

What auntie Gwen found out was that our particular part of the Jameson line was descended from the son of James II/VII, James Francis Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender as they call him, and a serving girl. But, alas, on the wrong side of the sheets. It all seemed a bit hazy to me when I was young though I instinctively believed her. Mum was much more interested in the young pretender Charles Edward Stuart so I didn’t find out anything more. I suppose the generally low opinion of the later Stuarts still kind of felt in the UK didn’t help stimulate the interest. (But there is still a lot of discussion, like in ... jacobites/)

The connection became relevant again when I got interested in the history of the 17th century, particularly the transformation it brought about in Ireland, Britain, Europe and further (as we know), and, of course, gaming it.

The next step is to try and track down auntie Gwen's documents. No success so far.

Wish I’d taken more time to go up and visit her while she was still around. And had a beautiful cottage overlooking the sound of Kerrerra.
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Re: Another Hi

Post by CarolusRex » Wed May 09, 2018 1:51 pm

Here is a low resolution picture of the cupboard. As you can see it is a bit of jumble.
1.jpg (124.94 KiB) Viewed 7103 times
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Re: Another Hi

Post by barr7430 » Fri May 11, 2018 8:39 am

Welcome your Majesty!

Interesting stuff and... on the generally low opinion of the Stuarts - probably yes but very much amplified by their successors and... were those slef interested dynasties actually any better? I would argue that it is rare in history after the 17th century that any monarch really adds value to their country apart from sitting as a revered figurehead. So, the Stuarts were probably just another typical example of the ruling classes who have had lots of mud slung their way....
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Re: Another Hi

Post by The Rabblerouser » Fri May 11, 2018 2:08 pm

Interesting piece Andrew.

My own kin were of the Sandilands clan and was probably on the Willamite side. ... nscription

See VIII. Sir Walter Sandilands Hamilton

Agree with you Barry, the Stuarts seem to have had the hardest time out of all the British royal dynasties. Charles II is probably the only tolerable one(in a complex way)
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