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some questions

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:03 am
by janbruinen
We have some questions regarding BLB so if any one has te answer, please:
1. A dutch unit (2 sq) in "all or nothing charge" diced for charging, but wasn't allowed to. It also was charged by a french unit; questions:
a- may the dutch unit countercharge
b- may both squadrons countercharge or only the front (principal) one
We ruled: a+only front

2. Another dutch unit (2 sq) in "aonc" charged a french unit, fought HtoH(with 2 start-dice plus extras) but was a draw so second bound fight. Question:
-keeps the start strength 2 dice (for 2 sq) or is the second sq a reinforcement so +2 and start strength is just 1 dice

3. After a HtH (3 squadrons Dutch against 2 sq French) the French unit must rout; do all 3 Dutch sq have to pursue or only the principal one.
Do all 3 sq have to dice individually to stop pursuit or just the principal one


Re: some questions

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:48 am
by flick40
1 If your charges were simultaneous and you failed to charge but your opponent passed you test for being charged. You then follow the morale result. Only the front sqdn may counter charge if allowed and only after your opponent moves 2d6 of his charge.

2 and 3 ill get back to you on unless someone beats me to it. (Just had surgery so little slow doing ok)


Re: some questions

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:08 am
by barr7430
Hi Jan,

I'll try and save Joe's pain!
Q2. The rule text is not absolutely clear on this point. Logical argumentation could then offer two strong lines of thought. The first being:
They charged together as a unit and so they should be counted as a unit. Therefore the base numbed of dice is the number of squadrons at 50% or greater involved.
The second is that they are distinct squadrons reinforcing the first and thus count as supporting units. If the later interpretation is adopted the factors are actually more advantageous because an intact 3 squadron unit would receive +4 whilst if the base squadrons are counted it would only receive 1 extra die per squadron.

My ruling on this is that OPTION 1 is the adopted principle. If a 2-4 regiment squadron uses AoNC and the combat goes to the second round it counts each squadron of 50% strength or over as a combat dice. If OTHER reinforcing units join the combat then additional dice may be added for reinforcement.

Q3: All squadrons pursue. To stop them it will be individual 'CEASE PURSUIT' checks by squadron. The regiments squadrons are likely to be in very poor order and no single order by 1 officer(the regimental commander) is likely to stop 2-400 horsemen. (unless he had a VERY LARGE TRUMPETER)

Re: some questions

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 3:19 pm
by janbruinen
Barry and Joe,
thanks for the answers
