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New player and fairly new to Napoleonics

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:42 pm
by Redburg
Currently I have in my hot little hands Black powder and 4 boxes of the fantastic victrix Austrians :D . I like Black Powder but I do like to look at other rules sets - and I do like the look of republic to empire. So suggestions folks? Is it worth it for me to buy or is it to far over my head?

I am thinking of basing them on 40 x 40mm bases 4 to a base in units of 24.

basically can I play both games, and is this a good game for a beginner?

Re: New player and fairly new to Napoleonics

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:16 pm
by obriendavid
Redburg wrote:Currently I have in my hot little hands Black powder and 4 boxes of the fantastic victrix Austrians :D . I like Black Powder but I do like to look at other rules sets - and I do like the look of republic to empire. So suggestions folks? Is it worth it for me to buy or is it to far over my head?
I'm obviously biased but if you want a set of rules that reflects Napoleonic warfare the R2E are the perfect set whereas Black Powder has no feel for the period IMHO. As to complexities of R2E I think that old chesnut has finally been put to rest by people that have actually played them. They do look daunting when you first pick them up but most of the text is actually rule explanations and not actually rules that you need to memorise. When we run our R2E weekends complete beginners have managed to pick up the basics of the rules after the first couple of moves. I would start trying the rules with just a brigade of infantry per side to get the hang of them then add in artillery and some cavalry later on. Perhaps others can chip in with less biased comments.

Re: New player and fairly new to Napoleonics

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:39 pm
by quindia
Hi, Redburg!

Here is a scenario for beginners that will present an interesting tactical exercise as well as give you a chance to work out the mechanics. Once you grasp the MP's and Orders, you'll find shooting, melee, and morale in R2E fairly straight forward.

There are always folks here on the board to help you through rough spots...

Re: New player and fairly new to Napoleonics

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:38 pm
by Redburg
Thanks chaps its now on my to buy lists! Oh and a quick question from a noob is 24 a good size for Austrian units? as I am thinking of making my French units 16 figures strong.... I have to be penny pinching as I have 7 kids :D

Re: New player and fairly new to Napoleonics

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:03 pm
by obriendavid
The R2E rules have been written for fighting on a 1:20 scale and the smallest unit is usually 20 figures strong up to a max size of 50 figures.
You have a couple of choices, you can use a 1:30 scale which would equate quite well with the unit sizes you are talking about but you would need to make sure that all your unit sizes are to that scale and you should alter all the movement and shooting distances to fit in with the new scale but personally I wouldn't bother.
Your other choice is to use the unit with the number of figures you want but record them on the roster sheet as being a bigger unit. As long as both sides are using the same method then there shouldn't be a problem plus it's your game so you can do what you want.
Hope this helps?

Re: New player and fairly new to Napoleonics

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:44 pm
by Scruff
penny pinching I know about :)

I know some guys up north have based 4 figures on 50mm x 50mm bases for LaSalle and they don't look too bad en mass. I Prefer the looks of 6 figures per base but its personal preference.

As long as the base sizes are the same, the number of figs dont matter so much


Re: New player and fairly new to Napoleonics

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:08 pm
by obriendavid
A third option is to combine two of your 16 figure battalions together and fight as a whole regiment. You could also do the same with your Austrian battalions if you want but they could also quite happily work with the rules as 24 figure units.