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VWQ at Hurri-con

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:17 am
by flick40
We managed 2 games of VWQ at Hurri-con in Orlando this weekend. Both games had 3 players and were well received. (photos when I get them)

The first scenario was a 7 yrs war scenario (The Bridge over the Ems, 1759) taken from Angus Konstams website that I converted. A Parlimentarian artillery train was held up by a broken wagon wheel while crossing a bridge. The Royalists made a valiant effort to capture the guns but came up short.

The second was a Parlimentarian attack on a strong Royalist position on a hill. The Royalist commander thought it fun to come down off his position and engaged the enemy. This turned an almost certain win into a close run thing. At the end of the time allotted the Royalist, though badly bloodied, held the field.

Great fun was had and some interest in the period and rules were generated. Both this site and Quindia Studios were strongly suggested for a copy of the rules, their support and inspiration.


Re: VWQ at Hurri-con

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:40 pm
by flick40
Here's a couple pics of the later game. I am waiting on a friend to send me pics from the 1st game.


This was a hard fought battle when it didn't really need to be. The royalists came down off the hill to engage the enemy. It flowed back and forth for some turns, routing Royalists actually rallied to return a few times. The Cavalry fight never was decided by game end but the Parlimentarians had the advantage. In the center only the guns remained with the odd foot unit.


The Kings Guard (horse) is 2 sqdns strong; one is armored gallopers and the second is pistol armed trotters. The royalist commander decided to split them up so he could take advantage of the pistols against a small dragoon unit that was shooting up the front sqdn. (the 1st sqdn could never pass morale to charge)