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Characters and melee

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:53 pm
by Jeff965
So the other night we had a game of Donnybrook with Native Americans against Santa Anna's Mexicans.
A lone character charged a gun and managed to dispatch one of the crew, the three remaining crew managed a wound on the character which turned out to be just a scratch.
So one of the crew was removed from play and we then had to decide who if anyone had won the melee.
There were two schools of thought, firstly because the character had seen off one of the crew but had also been hit himself then it was a draw and the melee carried on when the relevant card was turned over.
The second thought was that because the gun crew unit had lost a figure but the character unit had not, the gun crew had lost and so had to take a morale check.
I was wondering which is correct? Or maybe neither are correct and there's a third way.
Having lots of fun with these rules by the way :)

Re: Characters and melee

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:14 pm
by quindia
It should be a tie the way I play. Forcing the character to take a save still counts as a wound, even though he shrugs it off. Otherwise it makes the characters a little tougher than intended. The character can pick his target It may stop lone characters from charging a group of four as even three Recruits can probably overwhelm a Hero on the next go.

That said, as usual, let me add use what seems right to you. You might want your games to be more cinematic where characters CAN see off four guys by dropping one and causing the rest to route with a sinister smile!

Re: Characters and melee

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:30 pm
by Jeff965
Thanks Clarence, we played it the other way :( but in my defence I wanted to play that it was a draw.
Still I can show the other guys this reply with a smug look on my face at least.

Cheers, Jeff

Re: Characters and melee

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:39 pm
by quindia
quindia wrote:The character can pick his target It may stop lone characters from charging a group of four as even three Recruits can probably overwhelm a Hero on the next go.
Just realized that made no sense (got a phone call in the middle of adding a thought).

The character can pick his target SO he can charge a unit of four (or eight or twelve for that matter) and and only contact one model. The defenders do not get to 'pile in' and fight back (unless in Close Order, as ALL models can fight in a close order unit and the character gets what he deserves). The character need only face the counter attack of one enemy to cause a rout test on the unit. It may stop lone characters from charging a group of four as even three Recruits can probably overwhelm a Hero on the next go.

There, that's better. Anyway, you didn't play it wrong - just different. Barry and I ran seven games of BLB over the course of Historicon and found ourselves tweaking things as we went. The best thing to do is make a call, keep playing, and work it out later!