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1807-1813 Napoleonic Poles by Paul Hicks

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:34 pm
by Arthur
Paul Hicks posted about this a few months ago on the Steve Dean forum when the range was still a work in progress, but the Napoleonic Poles he sculpted for Miniature Painting World are now available. This is a private commission similar to Emil Horky's TYW Bohemian Troops or Der Alte Fritz's AWI Fife and Drum ranges, with the figures being available for sale to individual customers to help cover the sculpting and casting costs. MPW mastermind Roger has given me the go-ahead to post about the range, so here's a list of what currently available along with retail prices :

- Skirmishing voltigeurs x 3 all different - £3.25
- Grenadiers x 3 all different - £3.25
- Voltigeurs x 3 all different - £3.25
- Fusiliers x 6 all different - £6.50
- Command x 6 all different - £6.50 (2 officers, eagle bearer, Porte-aigle, 2 drummers)
- Specials – sapeur and bareheaded fusilier – £2.30
- Mounted officers x 2 different - £6

The figures represent the Duchy of Warsaw's line infantry regiments and can be used for the 1807-1813 period (they won't do for the Vistula legion though). Roger plans to add to the range later in the year, with high command, artillery and cavalry in the pipeline.


Interest parties may contact Roger at for further info or to place an order - or you can alternatively go through the Miniature Painting World website :

I've already ordered a couple of battalions myself and these are top shelf figures : the usual Paul Hicks excellence in the sculpting department plus some super-clean castings with next to no flash and nary a mould line in sight. Size-wise, they were designed to fit in with Perry and late Foundry Napolenics. My photographic skills are decidedly underwhelming but I have put together the following comparison shots. They won't win any awards but they should give you an idea of what the figures look like next to Perry and Foundry :
