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The 'Canadian VC' scenario from I Ain't Been Shot Mum

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:56 am
by scrivs
Yesterday, James Mark and myself went to the White Hart and played the 'A Canadian VC' scenario found in the I Ain't Been Shot Mum rules.

James took the Canadians, Mark took the Germans and I made sure they got on with it :)





There is a full report and lots of images on the Scrivsland Blog

Re: The 'Canadian VC' scenario from I Ain't Been Shot Mum

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:35 am
by Emir of Askaristan
Nice looking game - good loooking table and scenery.

Re: The 'Canadian VC' scenario from I Ain't Been Shot Mum

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:00 am
by EvilGinger
Splendid stuff only one question I have always found IABSM quick to play & have fitted bigger games than the Canadian VC into a couple of hours, how come your group take so much longer?

:evil: Ginger

Re: The 'Canadian VC' scenario from I Ain't Been Shot Mum

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:48 pm
by scrivs

We are not even newbies to it so that does not explain why it takes so long. We have probably had at least fifteen games now and they have all taken a long time to play out.

All the introductory scenarios play along the length of a 6ft table, given that a unit may not move in any given turn and that the typical movement for a three activation unit is 3d6 (avg 10") if it puts no activation into spotting or firing, you are going to need at least a dozen turns.

Looking at it, I think that it is the sheer number of maneuver elements that each player has. In this scenario, the Canadian player has 18 sections/tanks and the German player has 11 sections/tanks. In any given turn, with the Canadians being on four activation per maneuver element and the Germans being on three activations it is a lot of stuff that could potentially be happening.