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Tank Battle

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:16 am
by quindia
If you have an ipad and have not downloaded Tank Battle you need to! The game is a digital version of old SPI hex based games with animated counters. There are infantry, tanks, artillery, and air support. All units in the first version are move or fire only which took me a while to get used to. Infantry have a combat range of two hexes and a move of one hex, tanks have a combat range of three or four hexes and a move of two or three hexes, artillery has a range of five hexes and a move of one hex (plus the ability to shoot without line of sight as long as one of your other units can see the target).

The second game set in North Africa has mechanized infantry, jeeps with MGs, light tanks, AT weapons, and greater variety of tanks (Germans have Panzer II-I'VE, STuG, Tigers, etc). In addition, most units are move AND fire with the exception of artillery and fixed gun tanks which make for a much more dynamic game... If you were only going to get one, I would get this one.

Both games have fog of war by graying out the map beyond your line of sight. Most of the scenarios are objective driven (take that village, hold this position for 18 turns, etc). They also have three levels of difficulty which affect the number of enemies and the level of the AI. For instance on easy, enemy units tend to shoot at the closest target, regardless of cover, etc. On hard, the AI combines fire to reduce targets quickly and picks the more vulnerable targets.

Check out for more... There are free versions with the first campaign so you can try the games before buying them. They also have an ACW version, but I find that a little dull after North Africa...

Re: Tank Battle

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:12 am
by Friedrich August I.
Sounds and looks like a nice distraction from all the painting, flags and base creation :wink: :D

Re: Tank Battle

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:22 am
by quindia
Ah, but I can waste time with this while I'm at work (ahem)...

All of the other stuff requires me to be at home base!

Re: Tank Battle

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:34 am
by Friedrich August I.
quindia wrote:Ah, but I can waste time with this while I'm at work (ahem)...

All of the other stuff requires me to be at home base!
Make this game aware to your boss so he wont bother you while you are at *work* :twisted: