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Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:07 am
Well done to all the "Gentlemen" at Carronade at Falkirk on Saturday. It was great to see part of Ligny set out and the "gentlemen" actively engaged with the public in explaining all about the terrain, figures, game rules etc. I can say all this as I was not involved but skulking around the Kirriemiur game (not contributing very much). For those not present I should also explain that the outcome was that the Gentlemen won the best demo game, and there were some good ones, and a silver cup which we should have on parade in June. It was good to see you all - well done.

For those who did not see Adrian on the flea market stall you will not know what a gifted Dell boy we have - he could sell anything and did (including my unwanted 15mm GNW figures - thank you Adrian).

All in all a great day and really good to see you all.
Yours aye, Charles

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:36 pm
by obriendavid
Which guys are going to be able to get to the show this year?

Colin and myself will be there, we were supposed to be putting on a display with Bill but his wife was rushed into hospital last wednesday and fortunately she seems to be OK but they are still doing tests so I'm not sure if he will be there so our display might have to change.

Hope to see you all soon.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 8:46 am
by sharnydubs
Kevin and I will be there from the Iron Brigade. Is anyone taking a table at the B&B ?

Cannonade 2009

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:04 pm
by Churchill
Hi Dave & Peter,

I will be attending Cannonade again this year and I'm looking forward to seeing Barry's Napoleonic Demo as this will be the first time of seeing R2E in action and see if I can use them for my "Waterloo Project".
I'm also up for the painting competition with a 15mm Napoleonic Diorama and one of my 28mm Marlburian Regiment's.

See you all there............Ray.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:26 am
by obriendavid
Ray, I think Barry is putting on his Victrix game, the same one he had at Salute but if you have any questions about R2E we will be happy to answer them. I will be helping some mates putting on a refight of the Battle of Dreux. Come and say hello.


Cannonade 2009

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:01 pm
by Churchill
Hi Dave,

Thank you for sheading some light on Barry's Napoleonic Game, I'm just going to have to wait like everyone else for R2E, but it will be interesting to see how the Victrix rules work out also.I'm looking for a fast and fun set of rules for my Waterloo Project and if BLB is anything to go by then R2E will be right up my street.....
Yes I'll be over to say hello as it's always good to put names to faces.

Best Wishes.....Ray.