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Post by barr7430 » Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:38 am

My thoughts in brief on SALUTE.

Inspirational if only in terms of getting me to want to push forwards with a few stagnant projects once more.Really only one truly BIG game on show... a very impressive 40 foot + version of the Arnhem push by XXX Corps. Done in 54mm it was rather a treat although I did witness a bit of willy-counter willy waving but two guys vying to have it as THE biggest game ever seen in wargames. Actually neither of them were correct with their choices as I had seen an even bigger one at Historicon three years ago!!! :wink:
40mm & 54mm are growing in popularity at least as demo-ing scales, don't know about actual club gaming though. Their was a very nice Waterloo section ( east of the Charleroi road) done by the same guys who did the extract west of that road last year. Some very nice WW2 games in general. A 6mm version of The Alma with beautiful terrain sculpted as the heights. That was the most like a real battle overview of the day. Lots of very average semi-club games not worthy of such a big show I don't think.. mostly ancients. A very innovative 1949 type scenario with yeti/monsters/zombies etc and a submarine frozen in the arctic ice... liked that! Nice LOTR 54mm game with losts of single figures.

On the product front the Perry's plastics were stirring up most dust although the reaction from punters was to my ears very mixed. The table looked lovely (as you would expect) and the units very attractive, linear and painted in that style where it all just 'goes together beautifully'. The talk however from those who had see, bought, painted was a little different: poor manufacture (not sculpting of course!!), hats that were too small for heads, arms that didn't fit properly, little detail to paint, bland, small, skinny etc. For me it was difficult to say as I have never actually painted one and to be frank I thought they looked beautiful en masse but I was genuinely surprised at the mixed press they seemed to attract. At roughly 33p a figure it is an obvious choice for those who don't want to spend x3 or x4 on one lead man. The biggest longer term disadvantage I could see was their fragility. The bayonets are thin, slight and brittle. They will break easily and there is no 'yield' in hard plastic.Metal figures dunted can be bent back, these wont be.
As for non wargaming attractions, the organisers had learned from last year and I didn't spot any Nazis :D but I did spot a Star Wars Imperial stromtrooper who was wider than he was tall :shock: , three or four Roman legionnaries who were marching around and tripping over the floor like the cartoon Romans in Asterix, A group of reasonably together ACW Rebs although some had ttouble marching in time to the drum :lol: , a nicely dressed Polish Napoleonic Lancer and a bunch of guys who obviously wished they'd been picked as extras for PLATOON or Hamburger Hill :roll: This Vietnam re enactment group ( do we really need such a thing???) stood about chewing gum, looking mean and saying 'der's Gooks in da gress', "don't leave nuthin' fur tha Dinks" and "Charlie don't surf". I was underwhelmed :roll:

You had to watch your back all day as motorised Tiger,Panther IS-IIs, T34's ,flak tractors and armoured cars were being propelled round the hall but the 'wireless' gang.. actually I enjoyed these big boys toys very much.

Trade seemed brisk. BLB did very well and I think Ray/Rob & Mark, Bill and Julian were fairly content with sales overall.

I met many friends and acquaintances. Great to see me LoGW buddies Black Angus and Dave '24 hours from Tulsa' well Dundee actually, Tulloch 8) , Big Deano and Andy.. now that was a pleasure :D , Mark Allen, Gary Chalk, Duncan & Dan, Lorenzo from Dadi & Piombo, John & David from WSS, John Wray and nice to meet the informative Ian Stainsford.

Oddest sight of the day the old, well dressed guy with the extreme case of Tourettes, opening up a path like the Red Sea through the hall!

£10 to get in, not worth it!
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Post by Adam Hayes » Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:35 pm

Similar thoughts to yours Barry, I certainly would not make this show a priority to visit if it were not my "local". I did pick up a copy of BLB, so mission 1 accomplished there. Unfortunately though I "accidentally" read the Eastern Wars pages and had to spend time slathering over various Polish and Ottoman ranges - hopefully it will pass :)

With the (idle?) speculation about a plastic Napoleonics range I did spend some time looking at the metal ranges that are available from a viewpoint of matching them up with the slimmer Perry style anatomy that appears to be all the vogue. At least if I get swept down this path, however much the old eyesite dims, I will be able to tell these figures at a glance from my portly Dixons/Foundry WLoA boys.
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Post by jimmigoggles » Sun Apr 20, 2008 2:09 pm

Tend to agree.

Tenner to get in! Nearly as bad as spending money to get in to see Aston Villa play..not worth the entry fee.

However, if your name is Andy, and you have a wants list that includes 90% of the traders, i suppose it was worth the visit.

It was also nice to see 'long last' friends. I very enthusiastic chat Barry, i'll get my missus scouring the midlands for hotels! :?

Again, nice not seeing any Nazi's, and happy you notice the 'Tubby Trooper'. I thought they were all clones?

Some of the show reminded me of a car boot sale or smaller provincial show. Alot of traders selling ropey scenery or weirdly colourerd dice. And where did those S&M advertisers with student jewellery shop come from? Still i might need a wolf t-shirt. :)

There was some good stuff on show also. The big Market Garden game. A long line of shermans knocked out by Anti tank guns. Waterloo great as last year. The Alma was very nice, if a little barren. Some nice bits available from traders too. I'm glad to see Reiver have sorted out the 2 b 4 planks that all of their early figures were equipped with! :D Genuinely nice guys too.

There seemed to be alot of space compared to last year. Some no shows from games maybe?

Overrall quite dissappointed, but i wasn't in line for much shopping, so this could be the reason.

Or perhaps i'm an old romantic and miss the days of Kensington Town Hall stuck behind Dave Thomas' stand under the stage :cry: .........
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Post by big-gazza » Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:27 pm

thanks for the report chaps. Heres me thinking about try to get down to it next year.

Might give it a miss and try for Partizan instead.

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Post by neworks » Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:20 am

24 hours Tulsa - 24 hours from Kirriemuir more like. Actually spent over 21 hours travelling from Friday night to Sunday morning.

Absolutely shatterred.

Well what about Salute then. Well first things first I was a Salute virgin. First impressions. Its big. Real big.

I bought a Q buster ticket in advance. I still waited over half an hour to get in. I did see the dalek and the storm troopers even the telly tubby variant.

I looked around at all the traders first. I couldn't get near the Dave Thomas or Last Valley stands. It was good to see Front Rank and Eagle figures in the flesh. ( Lead ) I picked up my pre orders of lead. ( Mexicans obviously)

Now I am sure my left shoulder has dropped at least 6 inches. :cry:

Plastic yeah that would have definately helped. :D I have the infantry already. Well 72 figures £24.00,its a steal. ACW must be for the american market as it can't be everybodys cup of tea in the UK. Cavalry looked good. Agree with Barry table looked good.

( Message for Charles Grant. The horses are good but I don't if they are bigger than LOTR ones. Not tempted on the day but will at some time )

Then bought some items from Old Crow and then the gods( stomach really)dictated it was lunch. Where I met someone who won the painting at Targe over a year ago and I bought the minatures from e bay. Best bit he is from Forfar. Scottish invasion. Hell yeah !

After lunch met Barry. Gave trader directions later so he can vouch that I did go round all of them !!!

Disaster !!!

Lost bag with the Old Crow stuff.

Ah well back to Old Crow to buy some more but not a lot left. So bought some stuff from tablescape as well.

Then I played a game of infinity. Its all Wargames Illustrated fault. I was losing then a double six.

Yes my bag was found. HURRAH :D :D

Returned to the game and pulled a win out of the bag.

Time to check out the games. I too liked the Arnhem game but Maid of Orleans, Maipo and the Touching history table looked good. I bought book 1 as I need bulidings. Re-eanacters were good too.

For I newbie I enjoyed it so at £9.00 I would go back. I haven't been to that many shows though. I did spend the whole day and there was a lot to see. I needed more time as I didn't want to miss anything. Next year if might be different.

Now anybody know a book about " How to get a good sleep on a bus "
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Post by MikeH » Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:26 pm

Hi All

it was Musketeer Miniatures first time at Salute and I tagged along to add support and cover breaks

as it was I had to spend most of the day on the stall as the customers wouldn't leave us alone :lol:

anyway the high point for me was to finally meet up with Barry and we had a chance for a brief natter, whilst I shamlessly punted the UtLB rules

Barry it was great to meet up and I look forward to seeing you again

all the best


PS I have managed to get my hands on one of the remaining rules we have left, and I am trying really hard to not start a GNW army
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Post by barr7430 » Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:40 pm

Mike for a man whom I found to be overwhelmingly positive about everything... that is a curiously negative attitude towards Bill and his GNW range :wink:

I've got to say that your sales patter was of the highest quality 8) You are a true blagger of the Premier Division who was a tremendous asset to Musketeer on saturday.

Great to meet you too! :D
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Post by MikeH » Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:47 pm

Barry I just cant do another period my wife would kill me

well maybe if I just get a single unit of Swedes to do as a painting exercise as they are really nice figs

no more then 2 units at the most

well maybe 4

bugger it 6 always looks good on a table

ah I may as well do a complete army

mind you then I'll need some Russians

oh and terrain

see mate I am a lost cause, good rules and beautiful figures is always a lure for me
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Post by barr7430 » Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:52 pm

told you... a NATURAL 8)

even selling to YOURSELF :shock:
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Post by MikeH » Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:00 pm

barr7430 wrote:told you... a NATURAL 8)

even selling to YOURSELF :shock:
I think it helped greatly that I was selling Bills figures which are beautifully done and your rules which are equally as good
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Post by Spiraluk » Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:28 pm

What can I say. Mike turned into Del Boy and made the day even more entertaining than usual. It was a very good day for us and Barry's rules went like hot cakes. I had to remember to put a couple aside for myself and Mike before they all went. It was the first time I had seen the rules and they were even better than I thought they would be. Truly inspiring so well done to both Barry and Clarence for an job well done.

Good to speak with you once again Barry and I'll look forward to catching up with you at a less busy show soon. :wink:
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Post by Paul Hicks » Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:35 am

Barry wish I knew you were at SALUTE. Shame I missed you but the BAM stand was very busy all day,

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Post by barr7430 » Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:26 pm

I saw you many times Paul but everytime, you were in the thick of it! Business is business! and one of my maxims of life is..

"Never interrupt a man when he is in the process of making money" :wink:
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