First BLB Unit - Irish Jacobite - James Foot Guards

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First BLB Unit - Irish Jacobite - James Foot Guards

Post by nytullett23 » Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:01 am

After 30 years of only painting 15, 10 & 6mm figures I have been bitten by BLB in the grand scale. This is the first 28mm unit I have painted in 30 years. They are James Foot Gauard - The figures are 28mm Reiver Castings, these are big chaps, they are based on 60mm frontage, I know there is some discussion on bases sizes, but there is no way these chaps will fit on 45mm.

I have been a devotee of LoA for years and gamed using GaPa rules with 15mm Essex armies - French, 28mm BLB is the grand scale and with Reiver they are producing complete ranges for the period which simply are not available in 15mm. Well done to them.

Note sure how to get photos inbeded in posts, can someone plese tell me how to do it? - Thanks for help on this now worked it out !!!
Thks Nigel

Image[img] ... G_2553.jpg
Last edited by nytullett23 on Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by barr7430 » Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:43 am

Congrats Nigel!!
these are really nice 8)
First 28mm effort in 30 years :shock:

I was speaking with Rob of Reiver yesterday at the Dumfries show and saw the new 'Louis XIV' French.... very nice. I know from Rob that with the advent of BLB and the very active cooperation between myself and Reiver (me using their figs, them promoting BLB) that Reiver figures are very much in the ascendency and are selling very strongly in the market. Rob is very focused on making the range as comprehensive and complete as possible. I completed another Reiver unit for the show yesterday and the more of them I put on the table the better I like them! They have great movement when grouped(as yours also demonstrate). This alas is not a feature of my much favoured Dixons figures nor the extremely inanimate Foundry range. I think that the Front Rank stuff gives a new meaning to the word wooden :wink:
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Post by nytullett23 » Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:12 am

Thks for the comments Barry, I ordered the vast bulk of my Irish from Dixon, they are nice figures, at the time the only semi complete range for the wars, and I my intention was to use Reiver for the odd differant unit. After painting these chaps I wish I had gone with them from the start! :cry:

One issue seems to be that Reiver are redoing some of their early packs, so some figures are compatable with Dixon in height where as the later stuff can no way be mixed in the same unit. I know they have said that the early packs will be still available but I wish they had more photos on the web site to see whats what. :idea:

Do you know how I can inbed a photo in a posting, the photo links seem to blow my work up so you can see my brush marks! :roll:
Thks Nigel
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Post by Heneborn » Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:22 pm

Those are really nice! I really need to start making more interesting bases for my own batallions, it can make a real difference in apperance of the unit as you have proved (not that your painting wouldn't be enough ;))

I don't find the reiver miniatures that big that you two seem to do though. Sure they are large, at least compared to Foundry (if comparing to front rank the latter is closer to 32mm in my opinion :lol: ) but not so they don't fit the bases. Perhaps the GNW stuff is smaller? :?

If you want to get the pictures in the post get a direct link to the picture and use the IMG tag, something like this

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Post by nytullett23 » Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:15 am

Test of image in mail - hope no one minds :oops

Well that did'nt work any ideas where I am going astray?
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Post by Heneborn » Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:03 am

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough...

You get the link you should use by right clicking on the picture and choose "Properties" (I think! My windows is in swedish, it's at the bottom of the menue anyway). A new smaller window should appear, just copy the text that is after "Adress" and use that in between the IMG tags.

Hope it works!
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Post by reiver rob » Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:24 am

Thanks for the compliments gentlemen, they are very much appreciated.

Barry, I meant to mention on Saturday that the Dutch Guard are brilliant and really look the part (Sorry, I think I was half asleep after the drive to Dumfries and I still hadn't woken up properly before we left to go home!). As Barry said, we have been cooperating together on the BLB and Reiver thing and I would say that the rules are the best I've used for the period and capture it perfectly. I would recommend them to anyone who has been playing the period for a long time or is wanting to taste it.

Nigel, your figures look excellent. I'm a fan of the Irish Guard and I think you've done them a great compliment.

Right, mutual backslapping and complimenting over, now down to the explanation.
Reiver Castings have taken a little bit of flak over the years for their size and I would like to clear up the difference between the old and new figures.
In the beginning the old 'James II and the Glorious Revolution' range were the first figures made by the designer and they were 'bulky'. A decision was made that when he started the GNW range the figures would have to be 'slimmed' down a little. In comparison, between the two ranges, they do seem a little smaller but that is only down to their bulk.

All of the new figures for the Grand Alliance and James II/William III ranges are based on the GNW range dollies which have just as much movement as the old ones and the new replacement musketeers, grenadiers and pikemen come from those GNW dollies.
These figures are the base for the new Grand Alliance range and pictures will be appearing as soon as possible on where they are for sale. The new JGR2 figures are shown on the website at present but none of the others have been added yet.
The cavalry hasn't been touched and is the same as original figures.

The plan over the next 6 months is to complete the Grand Alliance range by adding a list for each army involved in order that customers can go to that list and view which figures are compatible to create their army rather than have to go to one list and sit for hours working out which figures they need. This process was used for the GNW range and has proved the best way to make it easier for the customer.

I'm always open to suggestions (clean ones of course!) and to make complete ranges was always the intention from the start as, being a wargamer as well, I always get frustrated when I can't complete an army for one reason or another.

The old figures will still be available if anyone wants them to complete an army. Just contact Mark and Ray at Under the Bed Enterprises and they will assist in any way they can.

Once again, thanks gents. Posts like this always inspire manufacturers to keep going.
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Post by Atheling » Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:23 pm

Really lovely work. The basing are something special too. Love 'em and want to see more 8) .


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