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ULB Queries

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:46 pm
by Chad

Finally got round to trying the free ULB rules on a WSS scenario. Eugene's assualt on Lutzingen at \blenheim. I have a couple of queries.

Infantry Morale
If a shaken unit takes frther casualties, but passes its morale test. What happens to it?

Artillery Fire
Can I check that we are executing this properly? The scenario requires that the Prussian infantry (11 battalions) executes 3 assaults on a large battery of cannon over the course of the attack, reaching it on each occasion. At present this is looking unlikely.

For each model 8pdr field piece, we throw 3 D10 and at long range 'kill' on a 9 on each and every dice. Is this correct or am I missing something?



Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:58 pm
by barr7430
Finally got round to trying the free ULB rules on a WSS scenario. Eugene's assualt on Lutzingen at \blenheim. I have a couple of queries.

Infantry Morale
If a shaken unit takes frther casualties, but passes its morale test. What happens to it? it loses its shaken command state and returns to normal command - its officers have rallied the waivering men

Artillery Fire
Can I check that we are executing this properly? The scenario requires that the Prussian infantry (11 battalions) executes 3 assaults on a large battery of cannon over the course of the attack, reaching it on each occasion. At present this is looking unlikely.

For each model 8pdr field piece, we throw 3 D10 and at long range 'kill' on a 9 on each and every dice. Is this correct or am I missing something?
correct each 9 or 0 will cause a figure casualty. As the range closes it will get easier to hit