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New scenario packs

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:45 am
by barr7430
There are currently 6 new scenario packs bulging with content ready to be released to support the rules. These are:

1. Dip your Colours:1st Anglo Dutch War 1652-1653. Battles at Dover and North Sea
2. De Gouden Duivel! 1st Anglo Dutch War 1652-1653 Battles at Plymouth and Kentish Knock
3. Break through the enemie! 1st Anglo Dutch War 1652-1653 Battles of the English Straits Squadron in the Mediterranean
4. The German Vagabond! The Battles of Prince Rupert's Royalist Fleet 1650-1651
5. Holmes's Bonfire 1666 2nd Anglo Dutch War. The English raid on the Vlie.
6. Duels. Single ship duels from 1650, 1653, 1672 and 1697 involving Commonwealth, Royalist, Dutch, Restoration and French ships

All packs have substantially more pages than the normal 4Play scenarios. The will be available soon.