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Republic to Empire Question(s)

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:12 pm
by Yermolov
Hello Barry,

I'm sure you're busy getting ULB ready for publication... is there anyway you could post a taster for your RtE rules? I'm curious to know if you're going to use the 1:10 figure ratio you're starting to use for your personal troops, or if it will be a floating scale, etc. The larger units look great!

I'm just starting to get back into painting Napoleonics again, and am lost as to what to do... I want the look of the larger units but am not sure that some of the more popular sets (General de Brigade, for example) are for me.



Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:31 pm
by Ronan the Librarian
Yes, I was going to ask about the figure:man ratio. The captions to the Wurtemburg pics in your (excellent) gallery indicated that 1:10 would be the standard, but I've noticed larger ratios creeping into discussions on this forum and wondered if you'd rethought this for some reason.

My main period is AWI in 28mm, although I am currently building some WSS armies in 15mm and have 1806 Prussians too, and I have been searching for some time for appropriate low ratio rules for smaller actions with big units. I have always felt that you need this to understand linear warfare of the H&M era, particularly the problems of managing/moving units in difficult (or indeed any) terrain when your battalions have more than the statutory 12 figures most rulesets seem to promote.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:22 pm
by barr7430
Worthwhile perhaps restating where Republic to Empire started and why.
The League of Gentlemen Wargamers (our large and occasional gaming group) tend to play extremely large games with typically 12 players and 3000+ figures. When these mega games first began in the Napoleonic vein we used General de Brigade and found them to be totally unsuitable because of their relative complexity and detail. The games were paralysed with calculations and rule interpretations. No criticism of the rules themselves(although I have heard these comments applied to smaller scale games for which GdB was actually written) but wrong tool for wrong job.
I already had Under the Lily Banners my WSS ruleset which gives a very fast multi player game. I chose to adapt the basic concepts of his ruleset for the Napoleonic period and R2E was born. It has gone through 8 revisions since first used two years ago. It is primarily for large multiplayer games. The battalion sizes can vary between 18 and 36 and it still works extremely well.
Now that's that explained!

My own work in building large battalions (such as seen in the 15mm Napoleonic gallery) was firstly purely an aesthetic. I have no rules yet BUT I know that R2E will work as the mechanisms are extremely flexible.

With the process of bringing ULB to a successful commercial release almost complete, R2E is the next planned project. It will probably have a much wider appeal because of the mainstream nature of Napoleonic gaming. Hope this helps explain :D